With IPv6 you can do a lot of things. This is a how-to article for users who only have IPv4 and want to connect IPv6.


  • You should have a public address that’s ping reachable.

Steps to connect

  1. Register to Tunnel Broker and login this website.

  2. Click ‘Create Regular Tunnel’ link inside User Functions panel below Account Menu.

  3. Configure your tunnel and create it.

    • IPv4 Endpoint is the v4 IP you used to connect Internet. (Remember the IP you use, take it as ‘PUBLIC-IP’.)
    • If you’re inside NAT or router, you can try to use Baidu/Google and search IP. Then you’ll know your IP address. Usually, you can use the IP under the input box.
    • Make sure your IP is ping reachable. Or Tunnel Broker won’t create any tunnel for you.
    • Try to choose a server that’s nearest to you. However, you can just choose one you like if you have no idea which is nearer.
  4. Once you create a tunnel, you’ll get the Tunnel Details panel.

  5. Connect to the tunnel you created.

    • Tunnel Broker helps a lot in connect the tunnel they host with your specific platform.
    • In ‘Example Configurations’ tab, you can select your OS.
    • Ensure to read all the tips/NOTEs below the configuration. (You may need sudo to run the command)
    • IMPORTANT: If you’re inside an NAT or router, you need to change the ‘PUBLIC-IP’ in the commands to your own inner IP address.
  6. After steps above, you’ve created a network interface named gif0.

    • You can shut down this tunnel by sudo ifconfig gif0 down or open it with sudo ifconfig gif0 up.
  7. Now you have the tunnel. And you still need to update your DNS server to resolve your domain names to IPv6 addresses.

    • Use Google IPv4 DNS: (google-public-dns-a.google.com) & (google-public-dns-b.google.com)
    • Use Google IPv6 DNS: 2001:4860:4860::8888 & 2001:4860:4860::8844
    • Use OpenDNS IPv4: (Resolver1.OpenDNS.com), (Resolver2.OpenDNS.com), (Resolver3.OpenDNS.com) & (Resolver4.OpenDNS.com)
    • Use OpenDNS IPv6: 2620:0:ccc::2 & 2620:0:ccd::2
  8. You may need to flush your DNS.

    • Windows: ipconfig /flushdns
    • Mac OSX: dscacheutil -flushcache
  9. Test it now!

After all

Now you should have the ability to access IPv6. Go surf the Internet with IPv6 then!